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Arizona Complete Health-Complete Care Plan and Community Consensus Collaborative (C3)

What is C3?

C3 is a collection of events and actions where the community of members, providers and stakeholders come together to share ideas and use the feedback to create the actions that address the areas of focus. The 2023 focus is stigma and the use of value-based purchasing to help members reach their healthcare goals.

What is C3 Net?

The focus for the 25/26 cycle is C3 Neutralizing risks, Empowering, and Thriving communities (C3 NET) and Whole Person Care. This will include:

  • Increasing transparency
  • Finding new ways for communities to work together
  • Creating safety nets to help communities thrive
  • Continuing the 23/24 cycle efforts
    • Access to health data
    • Increasing health literacy
    • Building social determinants of health programs (also known as Whole Person Care)
    • Customizing member engagement strategies for different populations

Arizona Complete Health-Complete Care Plan held C3 Lead-Up events to gather ideas from the community – with input from 365 people.

C3 Spring 2025 Event

C3 NET - 25/26 Cycle Kickoff

Join us to kick off the 25/26 C3 cycle. We will work together to create a plan to identify and solve community health issues. The focus for the 25/26 cycle is C3 Community Oversight: Neutralizing risks, Empowering, and Thriving communities (C3 NET). We will also focus on issues that impact Whole Person Care. This includes transportation, housing, and economic opportunity. All are welcome!

April 22, 2025
1 –4 pm
Ability 360
5025 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034
Email to RSVP.

Community Consensus Collaborative

The Community Consensus Collaborative (C3) brings people together to solve community problems. We do this through sharing ideas at many statewide events. The efforts will lead to goals for neutralizing risk, empowering and thriving communities. We will work together to empower Medicaid members and help community thrive. We will also work on Whole Person Care. Learn more about C3 here.

The C3 2024 Winter Event was on December 4, 2024. United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona in Tucson hosted. About 75 people came in-person and online. Attendees were providers, advocates, people with lived experience, educational institutions, public entities, and community-based organizations. The event focused on our first C3 cycle efforts and successes.

Join us as we close out the C3 2023 - 2024 cycle. We will review goals met, hear from those putting C3 objectives into action and discuss ways to further reduce stigma. All are welcome!

December 4, 2024
1–4 pm
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
330 N Commerce Park Loop, Suite 200, Tucson, AZ

The C3 2024 Spring Event was hosted by Arizona Western College on April 3, 2024. About 80 people came in-person and virtually. The event focus was on workforce development. We heard about the trailblazing efforts of Arizona Western College and their partners. We also heard from AZSILC about their work with the Caregiving Collaborative. In small groups, we talked about ways to work with educational institutions and experts in the field. The groups discussed making a speakers bureau to ensure access to many experts who want to work with educational institutions as speakers and more. They also thought about curricula to bring the recovery model into schools, teach humility and communication in medical education, inspire medical professionals to always learn about stigma, and the best way to gain support from schools.

On April 26, 2023, 110 community members took part in Arizona Complete Health-Complete Care Plan’s Community Consensus Collaborative (C3) Action Event. This included peers, family members, providers, and stakeholders. C3 brings together viewpoints from across the state. C3 works to bridge feedback to action. The 2023 focus is stigma and value-based purchasing. 

Roundtable Discussion Guide & Notes

What is Stigma?

Unhelpful views of people with a disability. Negative feelings about persons with a mental illness can stop people from starting treatment. Stigma can create loneliness.

What is Value-Based Purchasing?

Healthcare providers are paid based on their success in helping members reach treatment goals. Not by how many members they treat. When VBP works, it should:

  • Better health by managing diseases and/or stopping them before they happen.
  • Cut the cost of care by stopping hospital visits. Make sure people have quality healthcare so they do not need emergency services.
  • Improve the experience of the patient. Help patients play a role in their care to meet their goals.
  • Improve healthcare provider satisfaction. Give them tools, education, and support to stop burnout.